Studiengebühren 2.700 € pro Semester

The schedule of tuition fee payment is determined on the basis of consulate/visa regulations. In case of applicants coming from visa restricted countries, payment of the full tuition fee (1st and 2nd semester) is required. Details will be indicated in the letter of admission.
Tuition fee refund policy:

Those who are admitted to the Faculty must arrive within maximum 30 days after the official beginning of the study period and complete their enrolment to the university. The beginning of the study period can be found in the Academic Calendar uploaded to the Faculty website. If they fail to arrive until this deadline, they cannot enrol and cannot start their studies in that particular academic year.
In this case, applicants are entitled for the 50% refund of their tuition fees after submitting a request for the refund until 15 October (in case of fall semester) or until 15 March (in case of spring semester). To this request, the applicants must attach official documentation that proves the reason why they cannot start their studies at the Faculty is visa denial. The proof may be an official letter concerning the rejection.

Other reasons of no-show are not accepted. No refund is possible if requests are submitted after the deadlines above or the appropriate official document is missing.

In case the tuition fee is not refunded, the applicants can start their studies in the semester when the programme is next launched. The entrance exam result is valid for one year after that the applicants have to take a new entrance exam for the admission.

By submitting the application to the Faculty, the above mentioned rules are automatically accepted by the applicant, and are no subject to further negotiations.

Bewerbungsgebühr 79 € pro Programm

The 79 EUR Application Fee (non-refundable) is payable by programmes: as many programmes are indicated in your application profile as many times 79 EUR should be paid.

Prüfungsgebühr 100 € einmalig

The entrance exam fee is a non-refundable fee.

Weitere Informationen 


About the program

The aim of the Geography MSc programme is to train professional geographers with expertise in the fields of landscape and environmental management as well as regional and urban planning. Students of the programme are able to understand the spatial aspects of environmental, and social processes, to develop research-based solutions, to demonstrate and communicate research results, to plan and manage the sustainable development of natural and human environment and to influence policy-making. The skills and competencies gained during the programme meet the expectations of various types of employers from local and regional administration, to management and planning authorities (e.g. environmental protection, urban development). Through IT and GIS knowledge, and analytical skills graduates will be able to participate in planning processes, to prepare studies and policy documents and to work independently.

Should any question arise, please contact Dr Ferenc Kovács ( and/or Dr Zoltán Kovács ( regarding the admission process.


A distinct characteristic of the programme is the multidisciplinary foundation with roots in geosciences, informatics, social sciences and planning. The basic courses include geographical research methods, GIS and remote sensing knowledge, modelling and simulation, project management, regional policy and spatial development, political and social geography, landscape planning and environmental risk assessment. The core fields of studies are spatial data collection and analysis, visualisation, environmental planning, urban planning, rural development, place marketing, vegetation analysis and hydrological planning. From the 2nd semester students start to work on a research project leading to an MSC thesis by the end of the 4th semester. The MSc programme is finished by a final examination. Successful graduates can continue their studies and research in the frame of geosciences PhD program at the University of Szeged.


The skills and competencies gained during the programme meet the expectations of various types of employers from local and regional administration, to management and planning authorities (e.g. environmental protection, urban development). Through IT and GIS knowledge, and analytical skills graduates will be able to participate in planning processes, to prepare studies and policy documents and to work independently.

Jetzt bewerben! Herbstsemester 2025/26
15.06.2025, 23:59:59
Mitteleuropäische Zeit
Jetzt bewerben! Herbstsemester 2025/26
15.06.2025, 23:59:59
Mitteleuropäische Zeit