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Zert.IISMA_Cultural Studies

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About the Programme

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Szeged combines high-quality education with an international environment. We offer classes in various fields of communication and culture. Students studying with us can develop their intercultural communication skills while experiencing Hungarian culture outside of the classrooms, too.

Before students arrive in Szeged, they will be able to get in touch with their student mentors who will help them throughout the whole semester. After their arrival, in the first week of the semester, an international orientation week is organized. During this week, we help our students to take care of the registration procedures and visit the Immigration Office together. Besides the official matters, we help our international students to adjust to their new environment by organizing an intercultural sensitivity training. The sessions help students arriving from different countries to get to know not only Hungary but each other’s cultures, perspectives, and social norms too.
The orientation week’s program also allows students to learn their environment through sightseeing programs, get-to-know each other events, and a folk dance evening just to mention a few of the fun programs.

During the fall semester, students study in internationalized classrooms. Besides their fellow Indonesian classmates, they do not only study with Hungarian but also with other international students as well. This enables them to develop their cross-cultural competence in a natural way.
Our faculty puts a great emphasis on spending the semester in a family-like environment. We organize trips to Ópusztaszer and Budapest, hold folks dance and international evenings, and prepare for the Christmas season together while exchanging traditions surrounding the holiday season.

Last but not least, our university offers student counseling, too for those who would like to take some extra time to get to know themselves and discuss their experience. The counseling center can also help ones who experience extra difficulties studying in another culture far away from their homes.


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