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MAHuman Resources Counselling - Online Form

Studiengebühren 4.000 € pro Semester

The schedule of tuition fee payment is determined on the basis of consulate/visa regulations. In case of applicants coming from visa restricted countries, payment of the full tuition fee (1st and 2nd semester) is required. Details will be indicated in the letter of admission.

Tuition fee refund policy:

Those who are admitted to the Faculty must arrive within maximum 30 days after the official beginning of the study period and complete their enrolment to the university. The beginning of the study period can be found in the Academic Calendar uploaded to the Faculty website. If they fail to arrive until this deadline, they cannot enrol and cannot start their studies in that particular academic year.
In this case, applicants are entitled for the 50% refund of their tuition fees after submitting a request for the refund until 15 October (in case of fall semester) or until 15 March (in case of spring semester). To this request, the applicants must attach official documentation that proves the reason why they cannot start their studies at the Faculty is visa denial. The proof may be an official letter concerning the rejection.

Other reasons of no-show are not accepted. No refund is possible if requests are submitted after the deadlines above or the appropriate official document is missing.

In case the tuition fee is not refunded, the applicants can start their studies in the semester when the programme is next launched.

By submitting the application to the Faculty, the above mentioned rules are automatically accepted by the applicant, and are no subject to further negotiations.

Bewerbungsgebühr 79 € pro Programm

The 79 EUR Application Fee (non-refundable) is payable by programmes: as many programmes are indicated in your application profile as many times 79 EUR should be paid.

Prüfungsgebühr 100 € einmalig
Weitere Informationen




Graduates gain a professional qualification as a certified HR advisor. The program develops key competencies for HR work including management, consulting, psychology and social knowledge. Graduates gain skills in career counseling to guide clients’ career planning and transitions. The program nurtures community building skills for bringing people together and facilitating connections.

SOCIETAL STRUCTURE: Covers social structure and social stratification
CAREER PLANNING: Includes career planning and career management courses
ETHICS: Business ethics course provided
GROUP RELATIONS: Focuses on group relations theory and group leadership
COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Develops interpersonal communication and negotiation skills
ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Covers change management and human resource management
COUNSELING THEORY AND PRACTICE: Includes counseling theory, practice and counseling techniques

For more information please contact Dr. Gábor Dániel Nagy via email at nagy.gabor.daniel@szte.hu;


The Certified Human Resources Advisor qualification consists of a practical-oriented core curriculum with seven knowledge areas, four elective subjects, and three parts of professional practice. The program has 40% theory and 60% practice, taking 915 hours in full-time education over four semesters.

The students are able to join in to the program via the distance learning method, where all classes are held online and the required practical skills can be obtained at the applicant’s own firm. Mid-career applicants can receive a mitigation of this requirement based on professional experience and knowledge already obtained.


Graduates of the Programme will be able to work in Humnan Resource, Career Counseling, Community Building.

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