Ausgewählte Programme

Online Open Day

We believe one of the best ways to get to know the University of Szeged (SZTE) is by joining our Online Open Day, tailored especially for international students!

One additional Reason to Apply to the University of Szeged is the access to Coursera Courses

Start Applying to the University of Szeged and gain access to online courses of world leading universities.

University of Szeged and its Subject Rankings on the Latest QS Ranking

The University of Szeged, which has been Hungary’s best university in the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings for years, was featured prominently in the recently published subjects list of the British ranking maker.

Tag der offenen Tür - Entdecken, zuhören, mitmachen – und gleich nachfragen

Komm zum Tag der offenen Tür in Präsenz, wo wir unser deutschsprachiges Humanmedizinstudium in Szeged vorstellen.

Why Study in Szeged as an International Student?

Exploring the Benefits of Living and Studying in Szeged

Studying in Szeged, Hungary’s third-largest city, is an increasingly popular choice for international students. Located at the triple border of Hungary, Romania, and Serbia, it is, without a doubt, one of the most attractive university cities in Hungary.

Celebrate our latest Nobel Laureate with Us

Follow the updates of the Nobel Weeks or the live stream of the Award Ceremony at our newly launched webpage.

Meet Us in Your Country

Participating in educational fairs allows prospective students to attend presentations about the admission proceudure or financial assistance; Get to know the student life in Szeged and a lot more; Ask our representatives face to face.

Why the University of Szeged?

The University of Szeged is one of Hungary’s leading and internationally ranked higher education institutions.

Excellent Achievements in the latest QS Subject Ranking

Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), the UK-based international ranking agency, recently published its ranking lists of sciences and disciplines

Medizinstudium auf Deutsch bis zum Diplom! Hier bist du richtig!

Ab dem akademischen Jahr 2023/2024 ist es auch an unserer Universität möglich, die 6-jährige medizinische Ausbildung in deutscher Sprache zu absolvieren.

How to Apply

Please find our Application Step by Step which will lead you through the application process.

Bank card Payments Online

Bbank card payments are possible in Dream Apply. This allows you to pay your fees to the University of Szeged securely online.