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Masters' degree / Graduate
Undivided education
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Preparatory Course/Year
NonDegree_Post Graduate
Komm zum Tag der offenen Tür in Präsenz, wo wir unser deutschsprachiges Humanmedizinstudium in Szeged vorstellen.
Read more...Join us for the 2025 Online Open Day – a special event for international students! Get a glimpse of our world-class education programs, dynamic campus life, and welcoming community that make the University of Szeged an exceptional place to study.
Read more...The University of Szeged will be participating, face to face, in several international educational fairs abroad. Attendees can meet our University representatives and have a one on one discussion with them.
Read more...Apply for the Fall 2025/26 semester at the University of Szeged and Unlock your Future. Coursera packages are available applicants as soon as they submit their application. Kickstart your academic journey with us.
Read more...Application for the 2025-2026 Academic Year for the Fall Semester Self-Financed Programmes is Now Open for International Students
2025-2026 Call for Applications
Medizinstudium auf deutscher Sprache – bewirb dich jetzt
Read more...More than 1200 new foreign students for the Academic Year 2024/2025
The University of Szeged has been offering international programs since the 1980s. Currently, 20 percent of students come from abroad, representing 130 countries. 1200 foreign students will start their studies at the University this academic year. Both foreign and Hungarian students have the chance to engage with diverse university communities and take part in international events throughout the year.
Read more...Aufgepasst! Du hast noch Zeit zum Überlegen! Bewerbungsfrist bis zum 31.7.2024 verlängert!
Read more...Komm zum Tag der offenen Tür in Präsenz, wo wir unser deutschsprachiges Humanmedizinstudium in Szeged vorstellen.
Read more...Exploring the Benefits of Living and Studying in Szeged
Studying in Szeged, Hungary’s third-largest city, is an increasingly popular choice for international students. Located at the triple border of Hungary, Romania, and Serbia, it is, without a doubt, one of the most attractive university cities in Hungary.
Read more...Follow the updates of the Nobel Weeks or the live stream of the Award Ceremony at our newly launched webpage.
Read more...Ab dem akademischen Jahr 2023/2024 ist es auch an unserer Universität möglich, die 6-jährige medizinische Ausbildung in deutscher Sprache zu absolvieren.
Read more...Please find our Application Step by Step which will lead you through the application process.
Read more...Bbank card payments are possible in Dream Apply. This allows you to pay your fees to the University of Szeged securely online.